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Jon Buerg talks about his experiences building BIM Libraries for both Revit and ARCHICAD. To him, it's the key to any successful project.

Folklore says that Bill Gates's magnificent residence on Lake Washington may have been, ironically enough, designed on a Mac.

One other pet peeve of mine is to hear architects...talk about their ‘CAD guys' or 'BIM technicians'...It's the same thing as someone touting themselves as an orchestra conductor but they can't read music or play any of the instruments before them.

Jon recalls the transition from hand drafting to CAD and sees some frightening similarities to our current struggle with the shift from CAD to BIM.

I had to change my thinking on my position in my firm and in my profession if I was going to stay in the field of architecture and grow as an architect.

Design criteria is the content that your organization creates to convey the design intent for your concept to the consulting architects and engineers that are hired to design individual locations for your chain concept around the region, country or world.