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A lot safer, a lot more secure…

Over the past week you might have noticed some strangeness on the blog. Especially if you visited on Monday or tried to share some posts on Facebook, LinkedIN, etc. Let me assure you, I haven’t changed the blog to start pushing off-brand, Canadian Pharma. Fortunately that’s over now. After two wasted days, plenty of anger, help from my brother, my wife, and some paid professionals, AND a complete review of all 228 posts and 3 pages, things are back to normal. I think. That said, I’m a belt and suspenders kind of guy (figuratively, not literally). So if you notice anything strange about the blog… please, please, let me know.

Before I wrap up this very rare Friday Night Post, here’s what I learned this week.

Old Posts

Having looked at all my writing tonight, here’s three quick posts from the beginning of the blog that I think are nice to reshare:

What have you Unlearned Today? Plenty of new tricks in ArchiCAD 16 making old habits obsolete.

Frameless Doors I still use this trick. Great for shower doors and fence gates.

Digging Tunnels through Mountains John Henry and the state of BIM.

Safety First & Choosing Battles

I’m not a pro when it comes to website maintenance and security. Fortunately, I don’t need to be an expert in everything. So I got professional help. I’d rather focus on the things I am good at or like doing… writing, ArchiCAD, art car painting (see below) and a couple of other things. Granted this experience did give me the courage to do some html work, but I don’t think I’ll ever be a coding wizard. And for now, that’s okay.

Back UP!

I’ve ranted about data safety for a long time. And I will go on and on about it for as long as I write. I’ve done manual backups for years, but I finally took my brother’s advice and signed up for Carbonite today. I also figured out how to manually backup my site via my web hosting service. My wife had been doing this. Now I can obsessively back it up just like I do everything else. I should have been doing this the whole time. And with saving site backups to my laptop, they are also backed up automatically on Carbonite. Belt and Suspenders. I like it. I guess I’ll eventually pay for an automatic wordpress backup plugin too. But I’ve spent enough money today.

It bothered me that I didn’t have a photo of my current art car on the blog. Here’s the excuse I’ve been looking for. Now I can put it on Pinterest next to my old Subaru.



  • August 31, 2012


    Awesome car. And nice to have you back to normal again.

    Oh, can you get me a good price on Prozac?

  • September 1, 2012


    Oh man! It was a real hack. Ugh. Glad you were able to get it fixed. What a pain, though.

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