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THREE graphic shortcuts for Sections and Interior Elevations

Over the past year and a half of blogging I’ve had many small ArchiCAD tips and tricks that I wanted to share, but could never find the proper way to write about them. The aggregate of these tricks help me to easily problem solve within ArchiCAD and produce the quality drawings I desire, but these techniques don’t readily lend themselves to a blog post of a few hundred words. They are often purely utilitarian. Simple ways of using ArchiCAD in a more clever way.

So instead of writing about each one, I’m going to start sharing them via short screencasts both on the blog and on Shoegnome’s new YouTube Channel.  FYI, the videos might be easier to view on Youtube (screencasting is a new adventure for me…).

Video #1: Two quick and simple graphic tricks to enhance your sections in ArchiCAD.

Video #2: A quick and simple way both to create clean air lines around an interior elevation and simultaneously mask off all the garbage you don’t want to show up in your drawing.


  • December 19, 2011

    Jared: Thanks for sharing your insights in this format. Watching the videos is a fast and easy way to assimilate the techniques your introducing. Super job. I appreciate the short (5 min.) format. I look forward to your next video upload.

  • December 19, 2011


    Tip #2 is awesome, never thought of that before. Thanks!

  • December 20, 2011

    Thanks for taking the time to create these video tips… it’s really great that you share this info! Always fascinating to see how people use the program.

  • December 20, 2011

    Gayla Bechtol

    Thank you for these tips. I will try the second one today. It is also helpful to see the logic of your working method.

  • December 20, 2011

    Jared Thanks Great video! I express the same sentiments as the previous posts. Great work! and Thank You.

  • December 22, 2011

    Bill Curtis

    Thanks for the ideas, Jared. I especially like the masking fill. I’ve played with other techniques, but that is quick and does a better job.

  • February 9, 2012

    Nehemias Herrera from Tenerife Island

    Quick and good. Thank you

  • February 8, 2013


    A little more than a year has passed since my last comment. Watching these videos now makes so much more sense to me. Thank yu again.

    I have fallen into the “Ugly Trap” and did become rustrated with my lack of experience and time delay with certain projects. I can say however that re-reading the related posts here are a reminder of the learning experience and confirmation of the patience required and the necessary mistakes we need to allow ourselves to make happen. I almost put the program down and revert to my PowerCad program and just give up. But allas, I read these posts again and here I am realizing I’m better as is my modeling.

    Just checking in and saying thanks.


  • February 8, 2013

    Thank you Jared. Email me. I would like to exchange contact info and talk more about that.

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